Home Stories

Voices of the NHS

Listen to the voices of nine remarkable NHS workers as they explain their passion for medicine and for taking care of others. From paramedic Mandy, who says, “The most rewarding part of my job is helping people,” to NHS dentist Leslie, who never refused treatment to “any patient at all”, their words are both humbling and inspirational.

Photography by Thomas S G Farnettiphotography by Benjamin Gilbertaverage reading time 1 minute

  • Photo story
Photographic triptych showing the head and shoulders of three women.
Ethel Armstrong, Mandy English and Sarah Itam, Benjamin Gilbert & Thomas SG Farnetti. Source: Wellcome Collection. Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).

Back in 2018 we interviewed NHS workers from all over the country as part of the celebrations for the organisation’s 70th anniversary. Today, as we face the global health threat of COVID-19, the voices of these men and women remind us of the extraordinary job our NHS does. Their recollections stand as symbols of the expertise, dedication and selflessness of NHS staff today, working to alleviate suffering and save lives in the most challenging of circumstances.

About the photographers

Photographic black and white head and shoulders portrait of Thomas SG Farnetti.

Thomas S G Farnetti

Thomas is a London-based photographer working for Wellcome. He thrives when collaborating on projects and visual stories. He hails from Italy via the North East of England.  

Photographic black and white, head and shoulders portrait of Benjamin Gilbert.

Benjamin Gilbert

Ben is a senior photographer for Wellcome. He is happiest when telling stories with his photographs, whether that be the health implications of rural-to-urban migration in India, or the dedication of the workers who power the NHS.