Hospital Real de Santiago
- Books
El hospital real de Santiago de Compostela y la hospitalidad en el Camino de Peregrinación / [autores de textos, Baudilio Barreiro Mallón and others].
Date: 2004- Books
El Hospital Real de Santiago (1499-1804) / por Delfín García Guerra.
García Guerra, Delfín.Date: 1983- Books
La botica del Hospital Real de Santiago de Compostela (1499-1880) / J. Santiago Sanmartín Míguez.
Sanmartín Miguez, J. Santiago (José Santiago)Date: [2002]- Books
- Online
Hereaft' foloweth the abreuiaco[n]n of the graces : i[n]dulge[n]ces [and] stacio[n] which our moste holy fad' Pope Alexa[n]der vi. grau[n]teth to all true beleui[n]ge people: of euery sexe of kynde wylli[n]ge to entre into the fraternite of the great Hospytall of saynt James i[n] Co[m]postell: lately edifyed [and] bylded: as is co[n]teined i[n] his letr[e]s apostolykes, grau[n]ted to euerlasti[n]ge memory, [and] co[n]fermed by our holy fad' now bei[n]ge Pope Juli[us].
Orden de SantiagoDate: [1505?]