P. A.
- Books
In memoriam: Sir Alexander Fleming (1881-1955), M.D., D.Sc., F.R.C.P., F.R.C.S., F.R.S. / A.P.
P. A.Date: 1955- Books
- Online
A new prognostication for the year 1672 : being bissextile, or leap-year. Containing the moveable feasts: the eclipses, the four quarters of the year: the changes of the moon, the full and quarters, the dayly disposition of the weather. : With observations for letting of blood. The dismal dayes. And the whole fairs of Scotland. Also Dr. Merry-mans physick. : Serving most fitly for the most part of the kingdom of Scotland, but more especially for our city of Glasgow, where the pole is elevated 55 deg. 55 min. / At Aberdene, by an expert mathematician P.A. for the behove and profit of Robert Sanders.
P. ADate: 1672