Jones, Robert, M.D., active 1781.
- Books
Ricerche sullo stato della medicina secondo i principii della filosofia induttiva con un'appendice contenente varii casi pratici con riflessioni ... [Quest'opera è un commento della nuova dottrina medica del Dr. Brown] Traduzione dall'inglese coll'aggiunta di alcune note di G. Frank / [Robert Jones].
Jones, Robert, M.D., active 1781.Date: 1795- Books
Remarks on the distemper generally known by the name of the Molbay disease, including a description of its symptoms and method of cure chiefly intended for the use of the clerical and other gentlemen residing in the country / [Robert Jones].
Jones, Robert, M.D., active 1781.Date: 1786- Books
Remarks on the distemper generally known by the name of the Molbay disease, including a description of its symptoms and method of cure chiefly intended for the use of the clerical and other gentlemen residing in the country / [Robert Jones].
Jones, Robert, M.D., active 1781.Date: 1786- Books
An inquiry into the state of medicine, on the principles of inductive philosophy. With an appendix; containing practical cases and observations / By Robert Jones.
Jones, Robert, M.D., active 1781.Date: 1781- Books
Description de la maladie de la Baie Saint Paul / [Robert Jones].
Jones, Robert, M.D., active 1781.Date: [1786?]