Pomarius, Petrus
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Enchiridion medicum : containing an epitome of the vvhole course of physicke: vvith the examination of a chyrurgian, by way of a dialogue betweene the doctor and the student. With a treatise containing a difinition of all those diseases that do chiefly affect the body of man: and an antidotary of many excellent and approved remedies for all diseases. Published for the benefite of yong students in physicke, chyrurgians, and apothecaries.
Pomarius, PetrusDate: 1612- Books
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Enchiridion medicum : containing an epitome of the whole course of physicke: with the examination of a chirurgion, by way of dialogue betweene the doctor and the students. With a treatise contaning a definition of all those difenses that do chiefly affect the body of a man, and an antidotary of many excelllent and approued remedies for all diseases. Published for the benefit of young students in physicke, chirurgian, and apothecaries.
Pomarius, PetrusDate: 1609