Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525
By this person (42)
About this person (4)
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This lytell practyce of Joha[n]nes de Vigo in medycyne, is translated out of Laten in to Englysshe, for the helth of the body of man.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: [1555?]]- Books
De Vigo en francoys. Sensuit la practique et cirurgie / ... nouvellement translatee de latin en francoys [par Nicolas Godin] ... Divisee en deux parties: La premiere est nomee la copieuse contenant ix livres ... [La seconde partie ... est nommee compendiosa ... & est divisee en cinq livres].
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: 1525- Books
- Online
The vvhole worke of that famous chirurgion Maister Iohn Vigo : newly corrected, by men skilfull in that arte. Wherevnto are annexed certain works, / compiled and published by Thomas Gale, Maister in Chirurgerie.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: 1586- Books
Libro, o pratica en cirurgia ... / Traduzido de lengua latina en castellana por el Doctor Miguel Juan Pascual Valenciano.
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: [1548]- Books
Practica in arte chirurgica copiosa / [Giovanni da Vigo].
Vigo, Giovanni da, 1450?-1525Date: 1519