Deane, Edmund, 1582?-1640
- Books
Saturnus saturatus dissolutus, et coelo restitutus, seu modus componendi lapidem philosophicum, tam album, quam rubeum e plumbo: ac etiam eadem methodo e Jove, sive stanno / [Samuel Norton].
Norton, Samuel, 1548-1604?Date: 1630- Books
Venus vitriolata, in elixer conversa; nec non Mars victoriosus, seu elixerizatus, sive modus conficiendi lapidem philosophicum tam e Venere, sive cupro, quam a Marte, sive chalybe / ... nunc vero editus studiis, et diligentia Edmundi Deani.
Norton, Samuel, 1548-1604?Date: 1630- Books
Mercurius redivivus, seu modus conficiendi lapidum philosophicum tam album, quam rubeum e mercurio / [Samuel Norton].
Norton, Samuel, 1548-1604?Date: 1630- Books
- Online
Spadacrene Anglica, the English spaw, or, The glory of Knaresborough : springing from several famous fountains there adjacent, called the vitrioll, sulphurous and dropping wels; and also other minerall waters. Their nature, physical use, situation, and many admirable cures being exactly exprest in the subsequent treatise of the learned Dr. Dean, and the sedulous observations of the ingenious Michael Stanhope Esquire. Wherein it is proved by reason and experience, that the vitrioline fountain is equall (and not inferiour) to the Germain spaw.
Deane, Edmund, 1582?-1640Date: 1654- Books
Spadacrene Anglica. Or, the English spaw-fountaine. Being a briefe treatise of the acide, or tart fountaine in the Forest of Knaresborow, in the West-Riding of ... Yorkshire. As also a relation of other medicinall waters in the said forest ... / [Edmund Deane].
Deane, Edmund, 1582?-1640Date: 1626