The practical farmer, or, The Hertfordshire husbandman: containing many new improvements in husbandry ... / By William Ellis.

  • Ellis, William, approximately 1700-1758.
    9 OR, THE L* t . , ’> s" —i. Her tfor dpi re Husbandman Containing many New Improvements in Husbandry. . Of Meli o r at in g the different Soils, and all other Branches of Buhnefs relating to a Farm. I. Of the Nature of the feveral Sorts of Wheat, and the Soil proper for each. II. Of the great Improvement of Barle y, by B r i n e- img the Seed, after an entire new Method, and without Expence. V. Of increasing Crops of Pease and Beans by Hors e-H oughing. r. Of Tr e fo yl e, Clo¬ ver., Lucerne, and o- ther Foreign Grades. VI. A new Method to Im~ prove Land at a fmall Expence, with Burnt Clay. VII. Of the Management of Cows, Sheep, Suek- L I N G of C ALVES, L a m b s, &c. with Means to prevent, and Remedies to cure R o T T e n ness in Sheep. VIII. How to keep Pigeons and T A M E R AB B I T s to Advantage. IX. A new Method of P l a n- t i n g and I m p r o v i ng Fruit-Trees in Ploughed- Fields. By WIL L IA M ELLIS, Of Little Gaddefden, in Herifordjhire. The Second Ctition ; with Additions, Which thofe, who bought the former, may havegratis. LONDON: rinted for Weaver Bicker ton, at Lord Bacon's Head,, without Temple-Bar; Thomas Astley, at the Rofe ; and Stephen Austen, at the Angel and Bible, in .St. Paul's Church-Yard. M.DCC. XXXII. (Price Two Shillings, Stitch'd.)
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    lH ^ no Profejfion is more ufie- ful in the TV or Ul, than this J # 7 of Agriculture; fo does it require the greatejl Care, Study and Pains to manage its many depending Branches, fo as to make them anfwer fuccefsful Ends. For this Purpofe feveral elaborate Fra Els have been writ, to forward Improvements in this boundlefs Science ; which has brought about, and effeEled fuch beneficial Alterations in Farming, as to caufe both Landlord and ‘Tenant to rejoice in their plentiful ProduElions. In the further purfuance oj which, I have here humbly thrown my Mite A 2 into