Advertencias para los confessores de los naturales / Compvestas por el padre fray Ioan Baptista, de la Orden del seraphico padre sanct Francisco, lector de theologia, y guardian del Conuento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco: dela Prouincia del sancto euangelio. Primera- [segunda] parte. Con priuilegio.

  • Juan Bautista de la Concepción, Saint, 1561-1613.
Año 1600-[1601]
  • Books

About this work


En Mexico : Enel Conuento de Sanctiago Tlatilulco, Por M. Ocharte, Año 1600-[1601]

Physical description

2 volumes : woodcuts on ; (8vo)


Colophon: Excudebat Ludouicus Ocharte Figueros, Mexici, in Regio collegio sancte crucis, sancti Iacobi de Tlatilulco. Anno Domini, 1601
The leaves of the text are numbered continuously
Error in numbering: no.14 repeated
Title vignettes (emblem of the Franciscan order); initials; woodcut (emblem of the Franciscans, different from that on t.-p.) on verson of [(*)4] and [(*)8]
Parts of the text in Aztec and Spanish in parallel columns
A projected third part was never published
Continues the author's Confessionario en lengua mexicana y castellana, published in 1599
Copy 1 Vol. 1 Note: Imperfect: wanting ff.41-49 (sig. G, H1) and the last seven leaves (i.e. G2-8 of the second sequence of signatures).

References note

Beristáin i p.230 no.391
Icazbalceta 179 (115)
Medina (Mex) i 163
Palau 23463
Valton 69
Valton 71
Wagner 115
Wagner 115a


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  • Vol. 1

    Closed stores
  • Vol. 2

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