The funeral of George Monck, Duke of Albemarle. Engravings by R. White after F. Barlow, 1670.

  • Sandford, Francis, 1630-1694.
  • Pictures

About this work


Before fol. 9r, additional impressions of plates 4-6 pasted together. Before fol. 11r, a loose impression of plate 7. Before fol. 14r loose impressions of plates 10 and 11 pasted together. Before fol. 16r, a loose impression of plate 14 (state without lettering). Before fol. 20, loose impressions of plates 16-18 pasted together. Bound sequence jumps from plate 11 to plate 13


[London] : [publisher not identified], 1670.

Physical description

21 prints : engravings ; image 48.3 x 70.5 cm


The order and ceremonies used for, and at the solemn interment of the most high, mighty and noble prince George Duke of Albemarle, Earle of Torrington, Baron Monck of Potheridge, and knight of the most noble order of the Garter, Ao. 1670. Collected by Francis Sandford gent: Rouge dragon, one of his Ma.ties officers at armes, and published by his Ma.ties especiall command. F. Barlow invent. Ro.ert White sculpsit


Fols 2r-2v, 4r-4v, 23r-23v: letterpress description of the funeral arrangements. 1. A prospect of the chamber and bed of state in which the effigies of the Duke of Albemarle lay in Somerset House. 2. Servant to the officers of armes. Conductors eight in number. Poore men in gownes in number threescore. 3. and fourteene. His Grace's watermen 12. Master of the barge. Four drumms and. 4. a fife. Drumme major. Three trumpets. Tho: Segar Esqr Blewmantle Pursivant at Armes. Sr Stephen Fox Kt. Sr Jeremie Smith Kt. Richard Mason Esq. his Ma:ties Avenor. The standard. The first mourning horse caparizoned with black cloth led by a groome. 5. Servants to gentlemen, esq[uire]s, knights, Knights of the Bath. 6. and baronets. Three trumpets. The guydon. Mr Thos. Holford Portcullis Pursivant at Armes. Sir John Griffith Kt. Sir Thomas Morgan Kt. Collonel Henry Marckham. The second mourning horse led by a groome. 7. Servants to barons younger sons ... earles, marquesses, dukes, and ye Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. 8. Esquires. Three trumpets. Mr Fran. Sandford Rouge Dragon Pursivant at Armes. Sr. Charles Littleton Kt. Sir Peter Killigrew Bt. Major Halsall. The third mourning horse led by a groome. 9. Servants to His Grace the defunct. Other gentlemen at large. Doctors of phisick. Divines 10. and chaplaines. Sir Richard Everard Kt. Mr Roberts. Three trumpets. Mr Henry Dethicke Rouge Croix Pursivant at Armes. Sr Edward Brett Kt. Sr Francis Vincent Bt. Coll. Mouldsworth. The banner of Beauchamp. The fourth mourning horse led by a groome. 11 Chancerie. Knights of the Bathe. Sr John Maynard Kt his Ma:ties Sergeant. Three trumpets. Rob. Chaloner Esq. Lancaster Herald. Sr Walter Vane Kt. Sir Gilbert Talbot, Kt. Coll Roger Whitley. The fifth mourning horse led by Symon Corbet yeoman of the stable, assisted by a groome. 13. Leoline Jenkin judge of the Admaralty. Sr Charles Harbord Kt. Surveyor Generall of His Ma:ties revenues. Gentlemen of the Privie Chamber. Will: Ashbournham Esqr. Cofferer to His Ma:tie. Sr Edmond Windham Kt. Kt. Marshall. Baronets. Knights Privie Councellors. Earles younger sons. The carpitt & cushion cary'd by Francis Boweman Esq. one of His Ma:ties gentlemen ushers Q.W.[?]. 14. Great officers to His Grace the Defunct. Sr. Tho: Stringer chamberlaine. Mr Lock steward. Mr Limbrey treasurer. Mr Baynes comptroller. Barons. Bishops. Earles. 15. Four trumpets. Gervase Price esq sergeant trumpet. John Wingfeild Esq Yorke Herald. Sr John Robinson Kt. and Bt. The great banner. Sr James Smith Kt. His Grace's Lieut. Coll. Sr Thomas Player Kt. The chief mourning horse caparizoned with black velvet & led by Mr Richard Mead His Grace's Esquerie assisted by a groome. 16. Sr Thomas St George Kt. Somerset Herald. Thomas Lee Esq Chester Herald. Elias Ashmole Esq. Windsor Herald. William Dugdale Esq. Norroy King of Armes. Sr Edward Bysshe Kt. Clarenceaux King of Armes. Sr Edward Carteret Kt. one of His Ma:ties gentlemen ushers. 17. Names of the bannerolls. K. Monck and champernon carried by Hugh Stukeley Esqr. L. Monck and grant [carried by] Robert Pollard Esqr. Monck and crakerne [carried by] William Bruton Esqr. Monck and hill [carried by] William Hooper Esqr. Monck and trenchard [carried by] Charles Modyford Esqr. Names of the bannerolls. E. Monck and clarges [carried by] Walter Clarges Esqr. F. Monck and smith [carried by] Sr Thomas Higgons Kt. G. Monck and arscot [carried by] Peter Prideaux Esqr. H. Monck and plantagenet [carried by] John Fowell Esqr. I. Monck and wood [carried by] Sr Peter Colleton Kt. 18. Supporters of the pall. A. The Lo: Newport. B. The Lo: Gerard. C. The Lo: Ashley. D. Mr Treasurer of his Ma:ties houshold. Mr Neve. Mr Egerton. [The funeral carriage]. 19. Sr Edward Walker Kt Garter Principal King of Armes. Sr John Ayton Kt Usher of the Black Rod. The ten Lords, Assistants. The Duke of Richmond supporter to the chief mourner. The Duke of Albemarle chief mourner. The Duke of Ormond Lo: Steward supporter to ye chief mourner. Sr Francis Leake Bart. The Earle of Manchester, Lord Chamberlaine. The Earle of Suffolke. The Earle of Bridgewater. The Earle of Mulgrave. The Earle of Peterborrow. The Earle of St Albans. 20. The chief mourner. The Earle of Sandwich. The Earle of Bathe. The Earle of Carlisle. The Lord Arlington. Bernard Grenvile Master of the horse to the Defunct. The horse of honour richly caparizon'd with crimson velvet embroydered and embossed with gold and silver. 21. A prospect of the hearse in which the effigies of the Duke of Albemarle lay in state, in the Abbey of Westminster. R. White sculpsit

References note

Life in England in aquatint and lithography, 1770-1860: architecture, drawing books, art collections, magazines, navy and army, panoramas, etc., from the library of J. R. Abbey, a bibliographical catalogue, San Francisco: Alan Wofsy Fine Arts, 1991, p. 374, no. 454


Wellcome Collection 37411i



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