Lexicon tetraglotton, an English-French-Italian-Spanish dictionary: whereunto is adjoined a large nomenclature of the proper terms (in all the four) belonging to several arts and sciences ... divided into fiftie two sections; with another volume of the choicest proverbs in all the said toungs ... with a particular tome of the Brittish ... sayed-sawes and adages, etc. Moreover, there are sundry familiar letters and verses running all in proverbs ... / By the labours, and lucubrations of James Hovvell.

  • Howell, James, 1594?-1666.
  • Books

About this work


London : Printed by J. G. for Samuel Thomson, 1660.

Physical description

3 parts : title page & half-title in red & black, engr. plate ; (folio)


"A particular vocabvlary, or nomenclature " and "Paroimiographia. Proverbs " have special title-pages dated 1659; [v.2] printed by T. Leach
Copy 1 Note: Contains dedicatory epistle to Charles II, 4 May 1660; as this is not in the following issue, the latter may be the earlier of the two.

References note

Wing H3088
ESTC R14250
Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), H3088

Where to find it

  • LocationStatusAccess
    Closed stores

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