The arte of gardening, wherunto is added much necessarie matter, with a number of secrets: and the phisicke helps belonging to each hearb, which are easily prepared. Heer-vnto is annexed two proper treatises, the first intituled The meruailous gouerment, propertie, and benefite of bees, with the rare secrets of the honie and waxe: the other, The yearly coniectures, verie necessary for husband men. To these is likewise joyned a treatise of the arte of graffing and planting of trees / Gathered by Thomas Hill, Citizen of London.
- Hill, Thomas, approximately 1528-
- Date:
- 1608
- Books
- Online
Online resources
About this work
London : Allde, Edward, -1627, 1608.
Physical description
Online resource (4 preliminary leaves, 164 pages, 6 unnumbered pages, 92 pages : woodcuts, illustrations, (4to)).
Reproduction of original in The Wellcome Library, London.
Reproduction note
Electronic reproduction. Cambridge, UK : ProQuest, 2014. (Early European Books)