English Language Autograph Letters: Letherby-Lockhart
- Letheby, H. (Henry), 1816-1876.
- Date:
- Mid 17th Century to Late 19th Century
- Reference:
- MS.8886
- Archives and manuscripts
About this work
Letheby, H. (Henry), 1816-1876, analytical chemist.
1. From Henry Letheby to T. M. Stone, 21.03.1854.
2. From Henry Letheby to T. M. Stone, 08.05.1858.
3. From Henry Letheby to W. Cooke, 20.02.1863.
4. From Henry Letheby to_, 19.12.1863. re eating white arsenic
5. From Henry Letheby to J. Baily Denton, 29.10.1868.On reprint of this lecture on 'foods'.
Lettsom,William Nanson,1796-1865, man of letters.
6. From William Nanson Lettsom to -, N.D. On the law of succession.
Lever, John Charles Weaver,1811-1858, physician.
7.From John C. Weaver Leaver to the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons 08.06.1839. Testimonial in favour of William Stone, during his attendance upon the Lying-in Charity of Guy's Hospital.
Leone Levi , 1821-1888, jurist and statistician.
8. From Leone Levi to Willam Nourse, 15.01.1863. re a report to inquire into the state of our weights and measures.
Lewis, Waller Augustus, 1845-1876, sanitation.
9. From Waller Augustus Lewis, To_. N.D.Common sense applied to cooking and the preservation of health.
Leyden, John, 1775-1811, physician and poet.
10 From .John Leyden, to Alexander Cambell, 02.12.-.Asking him to return MS. of his.
Liddell, John, Sir, 1794-1868, Director-General of the Medical Department of the Royal Navy.
11. From Sir John Liddell to T.M. Stone, 10.01._. Re a Dr. Burke and is romoval from Jamaican hospital.
Lightbody, William Paterson Hay, 1893-1962, senior lecturer in tropical medicine, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine.
12.From William Paterson Hay Lightbody to Dr Hackett, Wellcome Museum, 04.06.1954. Davey and I are still plugging away at Magnum Opus'.
Lightfoot, William, 17th C.
13. From William Lightfoot to Mr John Burton, 03.10.1665. Re payment of money, and speaking of God's will to make London a more helthful place ( plague 1665).
Lind, James, 1736-1812, physician and astronomer.
14. From James Lind to Dear Sir ,N.D. Re I am glad to hear you have finished your paper, and shall be happy to read it when printed.
15. From James Lind to Lucy Lind.20.05.1809.Domestic letter.
Lindley, E, Marguerite, 19th C, Lecturer on Health Culture, New York.
16. From Marguerite E. Lindley to Mrs.A Payner Coll,1895. Re her forthcoming book 'Health in the Home' (1896).
Lister, Joseph Jackson, 1786-1869, discoverer of principle of the modern microcope, and father of Joseph Lister.
17. From Joseph Jackson Lister to Mr Lowry,22.12.1841.
Lister, Martin, 1638?-1712, zoologist, nephew of Sir Mathew Lister.
18. From Martin Lister to Mr Lodge , York, 15.12.1674.
Lister Thomas Henry, 1800-1842, novelist and dramatist.
19. From Thomas Henry Lister to Westmacott,Wednesday N.D. Probobaly refers to the coronation in 1838.
Liston, Robert, 1794-1847, surgeon.
20. From Robert Liston to _.
21. From Robert Liston to Dear Sir, 07.04.1833. Re dinner date on Thursday.
22. From Robert Liston to _, 26/06/1839.
23. From Robert Liston, 03.04_. Admit_ into the Royal College of Surgeons.
24. From Robert Liston, to Mr Avery ,New York, 11.1828.
25. From Robert Liston, to Mr Dear "Peater", 30.10.?, re when are you going to take the picture away?.
26. From Robert Liston, to my dear_23.7.?.
27. From Robert Liston, to my dear_.date not clear.
Littell, Squire, 1803-1886, surgeon and ophthalmologist.
28. From Squier Littell, to H. Hayes Walton,5.12.1853.Re sending a book of his.
Little, Fred, 19th C.
29. From Fred Little to_,03.02.1862. Request for testimonial.
Little, William John, 1810-1894, surgeon.
30. From William John Little to William Birmingham Costello, 22.01.1839.
31. From William John Little to T.M Stone,14.01.1853.
Liveing, George Downing, 1827-1924, chemist and spectroscopist.
32. From George Downing Liveing to Wescott, Cambridge, 17.04.1879. Re Foss and Sell.
Lizars, John, 1787-1860, surgeon and anatomist.
33. From John Lizars, testimonial in favour of Thomas V. Carmichael, 12.03.1833.
Lloyd, Edward M.D, 19th C.)
34. From Edward M.D. Lloyd to _, 01.02.?, Re thanking them for support afforded him for the office of Pysician to his dispensary.
Lloyd, Henry James,19th C.
35.From Henry James LLoyd to _, 18.03.?.
Lloyd, Humphrey, 1800-1881, physicist.
36.From Humphrey Lloyd to dear sir , n.d.
37.From Humphrey Lloyd to Richard Taylor 11.02.1833. re refraction in crystals.
Lloyd, John Augustin, d.1874, physician.
38.From John Augustin Lloyd to Mr Charles Brooke 19.04.?.
Lloyd, William Forster,1794-1852, mathmetician.
39.From William Forster Lloyd to Messrs. Cadell and co (publisher), 26.06.1802.
Loch, James, 1780-1855, economist.
40. From James Loch to Thomas Young, 28.01.1833.
Loche, John, 1632-1704, philosopher and physician.
41. From John Locke, signature, n.d.
Loche, Joseph, 1805-1860, civil engineer.
42. From Joseph Locke to my dear sir, 20.10.1858.re. the Crew railway establishment not being in a condition to provide a vacancy for Mr. Clinton.
Lockyer, Norman, Sir, 1836-1920, scientist and astronomer.
43.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to Dr Sclater, Zoological Society,23.10.1863.re. extending the Scientific Societies will give thm their support.
44.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to Mr Clarke, 29.09.1879.
45.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to Mr Knowles, 06.02.1892.
46.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to Mr Knowles, 09.02.1892
46.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to Mr Knowles, 06.05.18-.
47.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to Mr Knowles, 27.05.18-.
48.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to Craich, n.d. Re.sending proof of Galton's book to Galton..
49.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to my dear Young, 23.10._.
50.From Joseph Norman Lockyer to _, 22.10._.
51.From Mrs Joseph Norman Lockyer ( wife) to Revd.Sir, 10.02.1871.
52.From Joseph Norman Lockyer, two specimen signatures in pencil, n.d.
Lockheart, David, d.1846, botanist.
53.From David Lockhart to Charles J.Barker, 03.07.1826.
54. George Lennox, Governor of Plymouth. Document summing up his position regarding a military hospital being built in Plymouth, 2 February 1795.
Physical description
- Letheby, H. (Henry), 1816-1876.
- Lettsom,William Nanson,1796-1865.
- Lever, John Charles Weaver,1811-1858.
- Leone Levi , 1821-1888.
- Lewis, Waller Augustus, 1845-1876.
- Leyden, John, 1775-1811.
- Liddell, John, Sir, 1794-1868.
- Lightbody, William Paterson Hay, 1893-1962.
- Lightfoot, William, 17th C.
- Lind, James, 1736-1812.
- Lindley, E, Marguerite, 19th C.
- Lister, Joseph Jackson, 1786-1869.
- Lister, Martin, 1638?-1712.
- Lister Thomas Henry, 1800-1842.
- Liston, Robert, 1794-1847.
- Littell, Squire, 1803-1886.
- Little, Fred, 19th C.
- Little, William John, 1810-1894.
- Liveing, George Downing, 1827-1924.
- Lizars, John, 1787-1860.
- Lloyd, Edward M.D, 19th C.
- Lloyd, Henry James,19th C.
- Lloyd, Humphrey, 1800-1881.
- Lloyd, John Augustin, d.1874.
- Lloyd, William Forster,1794-1852.
- Loch, James, 1780-1855.
- Loche, John, 1632-1704.
- Loche, Joseph, 1805-1860.
- Lockyer, Norman, Sir, 1836-1920.
- Lockheart, David, d.1846.
Acquisition note
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