Interiorum corporis humani partium viva delineatio.

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About this work


[Paris] : Veneunt apud Ioannem Ruelle, commorantem in vico Iacob[a]eo, sub signo Caud[a]e Vulpinae, [1539]

Physical description

2 sheets : illustrations (woodcut) ; 41 x 33 cm


Two anatomical fugitive sheets showing a seated male and female figure with movable flaps (5 on male sheet, 9 on female) mounted over the thoracic and abdominal region revealing successive layers of anatomical structures. Both sheets have an explanatory text in Latin (arranged from A to Z on sheet 1) in two columns on each side of the figure. With additional text below the male figure, and woodcut ornaments at foot of each side column and on either side of central column. Male sheet has 'Cum privilegio' at foot, below imprint. Date only on female sheet.
Copy 1. Bound with Vesalius, A., De humani corporis fabrica (1555), EPB/D/6562/1. Male sheet missing lowest flap (V-Z).


Sheet 1 (male figure): Interiorum corporis humani partium viva delineatio. -- Sheet 2 (female figure): Perutilis anatomes interiorum mulieris partium cognitio, ac earumdem situs, figura, numerus, positio, haud injucunda cognitu.

References note

Carlino, A. Paper Bodies, 6


Where to find it

  • Sheet 1 (male)

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  • Sheet 2 (female)

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  • Copy 1

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