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71 results filtered with: Battle casualties
  • A torpid patient claims to his physician that his debility is a result of serving in the war. Coloured lithograph E.J. Pigal, c. 1840.
  • World War I: the Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC) on active service. Oil painting by H.R. Mackey, ca. 1918.
  • Russo-Japanese War: rows of wounded soldiers in a temporary dressing station at Hsuchiakou, China. Collotype, c. 1904.
  • Russo-Japanese War: soldiers bringing the wounded on foot and stretcher through Kaiping, China. Collotype, c. 1904.
  • Boer War: a group of wounded war veterans at the docks in England. Halftone, c. 1900, after a photograph.
  • World War One: a physician tending a soldier in a room in the trenches. Coloured charcoal drawing.
  • The diminished Napoleon before his despondent relief troops squeezed into the skeletons of their predecessors, referring to French military losses. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1813.
  • Venus appears to Aeneas while he is being treated after being wounded in battle. Engraving by L. Desplaces after J.B. Nattier, 17--.
  • A wounded soldier is helped on the ground by a medical officer under instruction from a mounted army doctor. Coloured lithograph by C. F. Schindler, c. 1900.
  • James M'Gillivray, a man shot in the shoulder in the siege of Nijmegen (1794): the shot developed into an ulcer which was cured by John Bell. Coloured stipple etching by J. Stewart after J. Bell, ca. 1826.
  • Battle of Ratisbon: Napoleon, shot in the ankle, mounts his horse to join battle before the dressing of the wound is finished. Coloured engraving after C. Gautherot, 1828.
  • A defeated hussar on the battlefield, whose horse has been killed while pulling a gun mounted on a chassis; a woman sympathizes. Mezzotint by V. Green after G. Carter, 1776.
  • A battle with a scene of military surgery. Oil painting attributed to a Flemish painter, ca. 1700(?).
  • The diminished Napoleon before his despondent relief troops squeezed into the skeletons of their predecessors, referring to French military losses. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1813.
  • Jeremiah sits amidst the rubble of Jerusalem, after its siege and destruction in 586 B.C. Lithograph by B. Weiss after E.J.F. Bendemann.
  • Boer War: men lying in a military hospital housed in a public school at Mafeteng, South Africa. Halftone, c.1900, after M. Maseru.
  • A grateful military leader presenting virtuous soldiers with awards and punishing corrupt soldiers in a ceremony. Etching after J. Callot, ca. 1633.
  • A wounded soldier is helped on the ground by a medical officer under instruction from a mounted army doctor. Chromolithograph produced with a pantograph by C. F. Schindler, c. 1900.
  • Russo-Japanese War: Japanese soldiers entering a bombed fort to find dead and wounded men. Halftone, c. 1905, after C. M. Sheldon, from photographs.
  • Battle of Austerlitz: Napoleon visiting wounded soldiers in a church used as a field hospital after the battle. Coloured lithograph.
  • Boer War: a hospital train at the Battle of Colenso with soldiers milling around. Halftone, c. 1900, after H. Brazier-Creagh.
  • A German army medical officer treating a wounded man who is supported by a third soldier, in the open air. Coloured lithograph, c.1870.
  • First World War: two soldiers, one badly wounded, being comforted on the battlefield by a vision of Christ. Colour halftone after G. Hillyard Swinstead, 1915.
  • Boer War: wounded soldiers waiting outside a field hospital for examination by the surgeon. Halftone after R. Thiele, c.1900.
  • Boer War: a chaplain administering the Sacrament to a dying soldier on a battlefield. Halftone, c. 1900, after F. J. Waugh.
  • An ambulance corps in the field gathering by T. [S.] Crowther and attending to wounded men. Pen and ink drawing.
  • Boer War: soldiers from the Imperial Yeomanry and a nurse outside a military hospital tent. Process print after J. Hall Edwards, 1900.
  • Doctors at work during a storm on a battlefield at Sinankeui, China. Wood engraving after W. Small.
  • Schleswig-Holstein War: an ambulance arriving at a battlefield in Düppel 18 April 1864. Lithograph by W. Funke, 1864.
  • Russo-Japanese War: three wounded Russian soldiers in the Kaiping hospital, two in bed. Collotype, c. 1904.