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67 results filtered with: Crying
  • An écorché face weeping, showing the muscles involved. Stipple engraving by H. Singleton (?) after G.T. Stubbs after G. Stubbs, 1815.
  • A dying woman lies in bed: a woman at the bedside is consoled by another. Line engraving by F. Lightfoot after T. Allom.
  • A boy weeping (left) and a man weeping (right). Etching by B. Picart, 1713, after C. Le Brun.
  • A convicted thief stands on trial in a packed law court while his sister weeps. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848, after himself.
  • An écorché face weeping, showing the muscles involved. Stipple engraving by H. Singleton (?) after G.T. Stubbs after G. Stubbs, 1815.
  • King Dushyanta proposing marriage with a ring to Shakuntala. Chromolithograph by R. Varma.
  • A young woman lies dying in her bed surrounded by a grieving family. Line engraving.
  • Mourners attending a burial where the coffin is about to be lowered into the ground. Stipple engraving by N. Schiavonetti after R. Westall, 1812.
  • A woman weeps at her paramour's bed; the doctor puts away his lancet. Coloured lithograph by Joséphine-Clémence Formentin after C. Philipon, ca 1829.
  • A young man lies dying, a woman weeps as she holds his hand, an hourglass stands on the table. Coloured lithograph by J. Bouvier.
  • An apothecary weeping at the grave of his late most prosperous and prevalent patient. Coloured aquatint by G.M. Woodward, 1801.
  • A woman being shown her newborn child for the final time before she receives the last rites. Engraving by A.H. Payne after C. Piloty.
  • The death of Saint Benedict. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after D.M. Canuti.
  • The dead Christ with the Virgin Mary and angels with Saint Petronius, Saint Dominic, Saint Charles Borromeo, Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Florian (all patron saints of Bologna) below. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, c. 1830, after G. Reni.
  • A weeping Pero, breast-feeding Cimon, her starving imprisoned father. Line engraving by J. Danzel after N.N. Coypel.
  • The four holy women lament over the dead Christ. Line engraving after Annibale Carracci.
  • A surgeon applying the method of cupping to a man's back: they are surrounded by anxious family and friends. Etching by A. Fantuzzi, ca. 1542, after G. Romano.
  • A mother cries in grief while comforting her dying daughter, who holds a rosebud with falling petals. Coloured lithograph by J. Bouvier.
  • Savitri pleading with Yama for her husband's life. Chromolithograph.
  • A group of three 'puffers' (uninitiated alchemists) reading books, and a credulous peasant trying his luck at alchemy, his weeping wife and miserable child trying to detain him from alchemical pursuit. Engraving by F. Godefroy after J. Steen.
  • A convicted thief sits in prison with his distraught sister who has been acquitted. Coloured etching by G. Cruikshank, 1848, after himself.
  • A lady fainting after bloodletting. Oil painting after Eglon Hendrick van der Neer.
  • Four faces (clockwise from top left): laughing, weeping, showing sadness, and compassion. Etching by A.-J. Defehrt after C. Le Brun.
  • A weeping face (left) and a face expressing compassion (right). Engraving, c. 1760, after C. Le Brun.
  • A drunken man is arrested for killing his wife. Etching by G. Cruikshank, 1847, after himself.
  • An alchemist hunched over his crucible; an assistant reads him a recipe, watched by an onlooker; the alchemist's wife weeps in the dim background, a baby clasped to her breast. Engraving by J. Boydell, c. 1760, after J. Steen.
  • One of the seven Acts of Mercy: burying the dead. Line engraving by S. Bourdon after himself.
  • Lamentation over the dead Christ. Engraving after P. de Champaigne.
  • A group of three 'puffers' (uninitiated alchemists) reading books, and a credulous peasant trying his luck at alchemy, his weeping wife and miserable child trying to detain him from alchemical pursuit. Engraving by F. Godefroy after J. Steen.
  • A man suffering from dropsy dictating his will while a physician takes his pulse, he is surrounded by his wife and friends. Engraving.