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259 results filtered with: Pharmacists
  • The Dutch maid (De Nederlandse Maagd), personifying the Netherlands asks an apothecary whether a medicine might not be poisonous; symbolising doubts over a new Dutch tax law; he replies no, a babe-in-arms could take it. Process print after J. Braakensiek, 1890.
  • An apothecary sitting in his shop, sorting through materia medica, surrounded by paraphernalia of his profession. Engraving, ca. 1750.
  • Oliver Goldsmith's medical advice rejected by his patient in favour of the advice of the apothecary. Oil painting by Thomas P. Hall, 1856.
  • Interior of a distilling laboratory with five people at work. Coloured engraving by M. Engelbrecht's workshop, c. 1720.
  • The Infant's Preservative : for complaints in the bowels of infants, as wind, gripes, convulsions, &c. for preventing the tooth fever, and rendering the operation of dentition easy and free from danger, for preventing the rickets, and for laying the foundation of a good constitution / prepared by John Atkinson.
  • An apothecary in his laboratory concocting a mixture. Wood engraving by F.Mc F (?) after, 1876, after H.S. Marks.
  • A man pounding a mixture with a pestle and mortar - an emblem from a drug jar. Watercolour.
  • Specification of John Savory : apparatus for inhaling medicinal powders or vapours.
  • A group of children playing at being doctors and pharmacists, mother and grandmother approach through a door. Photogravure after F. Hardy.
  • Michel Schuppach in his pharmacy examining a young woman's urine who is seated opposite him awaiting the result. Line engraving by B. Hübner, 1775, after G. Locher, 1774.
  • An Irish man is having a prescription made up in a pharmacy shop, he complains to the pharmacist about the small quantity of medicine he is being given. Wood engraving by C. Keane, 1874.
  • Interior of a pharmaceutical laboratory behind a shop, with people at work, the shop is visible through a doorway. Engraving, 1747.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 2.
  • The "Torpedo" ball : Physic ... / C.R. Harker, Stagg & Morgan Ltd.
  • An unscrupulous chemist selling a child arsenic and laudanum. Wood engraving after J. Leech.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 2.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 2.
  • Fowke & Aston's black oils are invaluable amongst horses and cattle, in all cases of bruises occasioned by the saddle, swellings, fistula, ulcer, sore shoulders : also to sheep when bitten by dogs, and ewes when bruised in lambing : or when applied in time to any serious wound, will prevent gangrene / prepared only by Fowke & Aston, chemists, Stafford.
  • A surgeon-apothecary pulling out a man's tooth. Oil painting.
  • The first century of the Philadelphia college of pharmacy, 1821-1921 / published by the Philadelphia college of pharmacy and science ; Joseph W. England, editor.
  • Newmarket embrocation, or White oils : recommended for allaying swellings, inflammation, sprains, bruises, stiff joints, &c., &c. ... / Alfred Parker.
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 2.
  • A vicar prays for a dying usurer while his wife receives medical advice. Mezzotint by B. Clowes after W. Dawes, 1768.
  • An apothecary wearing a gown and skull cap, pouring fluid from a bottle. Chalk drawing by or after H. Stacy Marks.
  • An apothecary making up a prescription in his working room. Chromolithograph, 1901(?).
  • The mystery and art of the apothecary / by C.J.S. Thompson.
  • A monkey holding a clyster in an apothecary's shop. Engraving by F. Basan after D. Teniers the younger.
  • An apothecary making up a prescription using scales, his wife holds a recipe for him and two assistants are working with the bellows and pestle and mortar. Line engraving by F. Baretta after P. Mainoto.
  • Old Parr, an elderly apothecary with an extremely long beard mixing a concoction with a pestle and mortar. Pen drawing by Matthews(?), 1861(?).
  • Oversize ephemera : Medical songs 2.