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151 results filtered with: Armor
  • A woman being bled by one man while another holds her arm, two dogs lap up her blood; representing France in the grip of Louis XIV and Cardinal Richelieu, while the financiers drain her resources. Engraving.
  • Kali with all of her symbols and dog. Gouache drawing.
  • Eudamidas dictating his will on his deathbed, leaving the care of his mother and daughter to two friends. Drawing by A.-Ch. Coumeau or Courneau, 1802-1804, after N. Poussin.
  • Ambroise Paré, removing the head of a spear from the face of the Duc de Guise. Wood engraving by J. Ansseau after E. Morin.
  • Chinese carrying a wounded man on stretcher poles. Wood engraving.
  • Durga slaying the Buffalo demon surrounded by devotees. Gouache drawing.
  • Putti plan war manoeuvres on maps with the help of geometrical diagrams; representing geometry and military science. Etching by B. Picart, 1729, after himself.
  • Alexander the Great demonstrating his trust in Philip, his physician, by drinking a medicinal draught prepared by him after receiving a letter from General Parmenio suggesting that Philip is poisoning him. Pen drawing attributed to an artist in the circle of G. Cades.
  • Manchester Exhibition of Art treasures, Manchester, England: interior gallery. Wood engraving by W.E. Hodgkin, 1856, after B. Sly after E. Salomons.
  • Alexander the Great, demonstrating his trust in his physician Philip by drinking a medicinal draught prepared by him after receiving a letter from General Parmenio indicating that Philip is poisoning him, they are surrounded by concerned statesmen and soldiers. Aquatint by P. Allais.
  • Erasistratus, a physician, realising that the illness of Antiochus (son of Seleucus I) is lovesickness for his stepmother Stratonice, by observing that Antiochus's pulse rose when ever he saw her. Coloured engraving by W.W. Ryland, 1772, after Pietro da Cortona.
  • Vishnu as Matsya, the fish incarnation fighting a demon. Gouache drawing.
  • Eudamidas dictating his will on his deathbed, leaving the care of his mother and daughter to two friends. Engraving by F. Bartolozzi, 1765, after N. Poussin.
  • Self-protection : today, Trasidrex provides protection for the 'heart-at-risk'.
  • The death of Sir Philip Sidney at the battle of Zutphen. Line engraving by J. Stow, 1796, after J.B. Rigaud.
  • A Japanese Samurai warrior in his armour. Watercolour.
  • An Indian military procession with camels, elephants and horses. Gouache drawing.
  • Eudamidas dictating his will on his deathbed, leaving the care of his mother and daughter to two friends. Drawing by A.-Ch. Coumeau or Courneau, 1802-1804, after N. Poussin.
  • Chaos in the aftermath of battle with the dead and wounded being attended to as the armies retreat. Engraving by J. J. Kleinschmidt after G. P. Rugendas I.
  • General Georges Mouton sits perched on an enormous clyster; representing his use of a prototype water-cannon in quelling an uprising. Lithograph after A. Desperret after Charles Philipon, c. 1831.
  • Two rows of soldiers, English and Sikh. Coloured transfer lithograph.
  • Boer War: some African people demonstrate their wares to staff and patients from a military hospital, South Africa. Halftone after J. Waugh, 1900.
  • The goddess Diana presiding over military figures representing the choleric temperament. Etching by J.D. Nessenthaler, ca. 1750.
  • A badly wounded soldier being carried off the battlefield on a makeshift stretcher made of bayonets. Coloured aquatint.
  • Baillie Battery and Hospital: with soldiers parading the grounds. Coloured lithograph by E. Walker after C.H. Mecham.
  • Self-protection : today, Trasidrex provides protection for the 'heart-at-risk'.
  • Self-protection : today, Trasidrex provides protection for the 'heart-at-risk'.
  • Bombardment of Alexandria, Egypt: taking a wounded man below decks. Wood engraving by K.E.
  • Durga on a lotus with all her weapons surrounded by devotees. Gouache drawing.
  • Hundred Years' War: surgeons and craftsmen of surgical instruments being forced to go with the English army as part of the 1415 invasion of France. Gouache painting by A. Forestier, 1913.