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167 results filtered with: Rites and ceremonies
  • The Dormition of the Virgin Mary, surrounded by the apostles. Engraving by B. Eredi after C. Maratta.
  • Christ is circumcised in a crowded church. Engraving by H. Goltzius, 1594.
  • A Portugese Jewish circumcision ceremony. Engraving, 1741, after B. Picart, 1722.
  • Instruments and sacred objects to perform a Jewish circumcision ceremony. Engraving, 1741, after B. Picart, 1725.
  • Boer War: The Duke of Connaught raising the Union Jack on the masthead of a hospital ship, an official Committee and line of soldiers in attendance. Gouache painting by F. Dickinson after D. Macpherson, 1899.
  • The marriage of Mary and Joseph. Engraving by H. Wierix.
  • A death-bed scene of man being read his last rites surrounded by his family, the priest and courtiers. Etching.
  • A procession to St. Mary's Church, Oxford by the convocations of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge; and the burning of the bones of Protestant theologians in Cambridge. Line engraving by Myers.
  • Three scenes: a woman undergoing a trial for adultery, a Jewish burial and circumcision ceremony. Etching after a woodcut, 1682.
  • Two Malayan exorcists dressed in elaborate ritual costume. Halftone after a photograph by Wiele & Klein.
  • Lourdes, Haute Pyrénées, France: immersion ceremony at the Holy Well. Wood engraving by H. Lanos.
  • Crimean War, England: Queen Victoria distributing Crimean War medals. Line engraving, 1856.
  • A queen in red is presented with dishes of blood on a hill; below, a man in a white robe gesticulates to the heavens; while another man stands next to alchemical apparatus, facing a man who is lying sick in bed; representing a stage in the process of alchemy. Coloured etching, ca. 18th century.
  • The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth. Engraving, 1588, after F. Baroccio.
  • Anselmus Franciscus (1635-1695), archiepiscopal of Aschaffenburg, on his bier, dressed in his habit and surrounded by his regalia. Line engraving with etching.
  • The baptism of Christ. Drawing by F. Rosaspina, 1830, after F. Albani.
  • Boer War: a chaplain administering the Sacrament to a dying soldier on a battlefield. Halftone, c. 1900, after F. J. Waugh.
  • Jacob's ladder; Moses' exhausting prayer; Elijah addressing God at a sacrifice. Mezzotint by G. Sanders, 1845, after E. Taylor.
  • The circumcision of Christ. Engraving by F. Bartolozzi after G.F. Barbieri, il Guercino.
  • The high priest of the Temple inspects the circumcised Christ child, whose head is glowing. Etching by M. Küssell after J.W. Baur.
  • The circumcision of Christ. Engraving by F-G. Aliamet, 1765, after R. Earlom after G. Reni.
  • The circumcision of Christ. Etching by J.M. Giovannini after G. Reni.
  • (Left) a celebration of the birth of a child, (right) the child's first bath. Etching by B. Picart after himself, 1726.
  • Doctors receiving their degrees in a degree ceremony, Edinburgh. Wood engraving, 1845.
  • Chinese people driving away evil spirits at Malacca, Malaysia. Wood engraving by D. Macpherson, 1891.
  • One of the seven Acts of Mercy: burying the dead. Line engraving by S. Bourdon after himself.
  • An old prophet denounces the proceedings at a lavish sacrifice given by the wayward king Jeroboam. Engraving.
  • A group of Bundu female dancers all wearing necklaces of beads which are filled with medicines. Halftone after a photograph by T.J. Alldridge.
  • Simeon holds the infant Jesus in his arms. Etching by Rembrandt, ca. 1639.
  • A doctor of physic in his ceremonial congregation robes at Oxford. Coloured engraving by J. Agar, 1813, after T. Uwins.