Clinical Images of Leprosy and Related Conditions

Part of:
Browne, Stanley George, CMG, OBE, MD, FRCS, FRCP, DTM (1907-1986)
  • Archives and manuscripts

Collection contents

About this work


Sleeves of 35mm colour transparencies found in an envelope labelled 'leprosy and differential diagnosis'.

These appear to be images taken by Browne whilst in Uzuakoli, Nigeria, and during tours of and visits to other countries (some are labelled 'Uz.' or the name of the place). It is likely that many of the ones taken in Nigeria are of Browne's patients, some of whom are named on the individual slide (often with a patient number as well). Sets of slides were possibly used by Browne for conferences, lectures, seminars and other teaching purposes.

The descriptions and covering dates reflect (verbatim) what has been written by Browne on the slides themselves, however, since in a few cases slides are unlabelled or information illegible, descriptions and dates are not always comprehensive. Browne generally wrote the condition, place and date on the slides but not usually all three. The geographical location of some obscure places has been added in square brackets.

Key to some abbreviations in slide labelling: BL = Borderline Leprotamous TM = Tuberculoid Macular MT = Macular Tuberculoid Uz. = Uzuakoli Itu. = ?Itu-Agon, Lagos, Nigeria R = Right L = Left



Physical description

24 files


There was no discernable arrangement of the sleeves and they have been assigned item numbers (K.4/1, K.4/2, etc.) simply according to their physical order in the original envelope. Within sleeves there is sometime an obvious clinical subject grouping. Slides were transferred from scratched plastic acidic A4 sleeves and replaced in exactly the same order into archival quality A4 Secol sleeves. There is evidently some duplication within the series and probably compared to other series in Section K (there are several 'Kodachrome Duplicate' slides)

Biographical note

Series K.4 added to the collection in Dec 2006


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